Reasons why Art is good for you and the World
“Art washes away from the soul the dusts of everyday life” – Pablo Picasso Believe it or not making art for your own enjoyment actually has its benefits to both your mind and body. We often spend our weeks rushing around focusing on our everyday commitments whether it’s your job, looking after kids, school or ticking off daily errands that we never really get the chance to relax. When you’re overwhelmed with the stresses of a busy lifestyle, actually embracing your creativity can actually reduce anxieties and stresses to clear your mind making you feel better. So art itself is extremely therapeutic and to fill you in a bit more as to why doodling, coloring or painting should become a part of your weekly schedule. 1. Art Generates a Love of Learning & Creativity Creative learners are big-picture global thinkers with willingness to take risks and strive for excellence. You can become a global thinker and make connections to real life experiences...